Music Increases Contact, Co-Ordination & Co-Operation.

Last week we shared an article from Berkley's Greater Good Magazine about the four ways music strengthens social bonds.

In the article author Jill Stuttie writes that music increases contact, co-ordination and co-operation. She writes "according to research when we try to synch with others musically—keeping the beat or harmonizing, for example—we tend to feel positive social feelings towards those with whom we’re synchronizing, even if that person is not visible to us or not in the same room."

One of the highlights in our Rock and Roll Team Building programs is three-part harmony choir. We watch people come together to be present in the moment by singing. Everyone's always smiling, always laughing and always engaged with each other.

We believe every conference should kick-off with choir to make the audience louder, stronger and together right from the start!


How to amplify your conference team building.


Four Ways Music Strengthens Social Bonds